Progress – Slow but progress nonetheless!

Haven’t posted here is a little while and my apologies for that.  I have been immersing myself in the writing of the third book “A New World: Sanctuary.”  Had a more difficult time organizing and progressing with this one, mainly due to the expansion of the characters and events.  Jack and the merry band of survivors have arrived back and are in the process of setting up shop – finding and building a haven from the night runners.  Hit the 40,000 word mark last night meaning the draft is almost half way there.  I hope to hit that point sometime today – we’ll see how far I get with that goal.

I am looking to have the draft finished and the editing to begin by the end of the month.  That may be pushing it but the story has started to flow somewhat.  Today, another rescue attempt.

I just want to give a hearty thank you for all of the nice messages, reviews, and for those that have made the series so successful so far – far beyond my wildest dreams or any expectations I had.  Thank you!!!!  You truly rock!


A New World: Return Prologue

Here is the prologue for the second book in the series, A New World.  I hope you enjoy and have a great day!


The sound of feet running behind him was constant as he ran through the darkened streets.  On this clear, summer night, the moon was out and almost full causing his skin to tingle only slightly from the reflected light.  It wasn’t as bad as when the other bright light, which caused immediate and intense pain, was in the sky.

He and his pack of seven behind him were out searching for something to eat as they did most every night.  He became leader of this pack because of his greater strength and ability to locate food.  There was food to be had in plenty, it was just a matter of finding it before the other packs did or had a chance to get away.  There was the two-legged and four-legged kind – that was how he thought of them.  They had found and chased down one of the four-legged ones last night; large enough for the whole pack to feed.  The two-legged ones were his favorite but were becoming hard to find.  Plus, they had to be cautious as he had lost several of his pack to them.  They were smart and crafty and had to be taken with care.  That was another reason he was the pack leader, most of the other of his kind would rush blindly at them in a persistent manner.  Sometimes this worked and sometimes they paid for their rashness.

His thoughts did not come to him in the form of words but more in images and smells.  He was cunning and could think through situations, finding ways to get food and other things they needed, but it was not a familiar thinking pattern.  The pattern consisted of images that were similar to complete pictures that tell a story; both simple and complex in nature.  He hunted primarily by means of smell and had become adept at picking up the faint smells of food, sometimes up to a couple hundred yards away if the wind was right.  The scent was different somehow than the smell of everything else.  It was more like a warm scent, if a smell could have a sense about it, along with a certain sweet mustiness.  The smell from the others of his kind was not appealing in a food sense.  No, there would not be any form of cannibalism there.

Not that he thought along those exact lines as he ran through the streets.  Up ahead, he saw the flash of another, smaller pack quickly cross his path several streets up; vanishing quickly into a side street as he listened to their echoing footfalls diminish.  Along with his heightened sense of smell, his vision at night was adequate as he was able to pick out the varying shades of gray relatively well and it seemed to improve almost nightly.  The moon certainly helped.

Buildings continued to pass by as he ran through various streets in a search pattern trying to pick up the scent or sight of food.  One large building he passed by had two circles around a central dot on it.  For some reason this triggered something inside his mind; almost like he knew what that symbol meant.  The flash of a memory passed through, the meaning hanging there just out of reach but tantalizingly close; like the name of a song remembered from long ago but forgotten and keeping just outside the grasp of knowing or comprehension.  His mind was actually remembering and, for a brief moment, he thought he knew he had been someone or something else before.  Then, the brief opening of the mind closed, shutting the memory or even the memory of having a memory off.

The pack stopped behind him as he stopped and were searching the area for the reason.  Food was plentiful so there wasn’t any danger of being attacked by competing packs but there were other dangers.  Packs of four-legged ones sometimes attacked the smaller packs of his kind and so they kept a watch out for them.  On occasion, some of the two-legged ones were out hunting and those were the dangerous ones.  There was something compelling about the other two-legged ones that caused something inside the pack to want to attack them on sight.

Forgetting why he stopped in the first place, he started his jog once again and, after a short distance, caught the warm scent of life and food.  Coming to another stop, he sought to ascertain its direction.  The scents in this area swirled around the streets and buildings making it hard to accurately tell exactly where the food was located.  This smell was of the two-legged kind and the light intensity of it indicated that there was only one or two of them.  He stood sniffing the air and, suddenly knowing exactly where the scent was coming from, started in that direction.

Rounding a building, he saw one of the other two-legged crouching outside of one of its lairs, trying to sneak through the night.  Sometimes they seemed so stupid that he could not fathom how they were a danger.  Did that one not know he could see him crouching there in the open?

Signaling his pack to spread out with grunts and signaling with his hands, he turned in mid stride toward the two-legged one.  Letting out a scream to let the other packs in the area know they had found food – an instinctive reaction he could not help – he launched himself toward the crouched one in ever-quickening strides.  The two-legged one turned toward him and let out its own scream and tried to run but it was too late.  To his left, one of his pack members launched itself over a fence and tackled the two-legged one in mid air just as the food turned the corner into the yard of one of its lairs.  It was over in seconds and the rending of flesh began.

Out of the corner of his eye, the pack leader saw another of the two-legged ones leap a fence several yards away.  Giving a signal to several of his pack, they launched themselves after the one fleeing.  Several minutes later, he heard one of his give a shriek of finding.  It was followed by a couple of the loud bangs that sometimes accompanied the ones who ran on two legs.  Those bangs were the danger and were what caused him to lose some of his pack earlier on.  The ones he had sent out returned a short time later with another food.  He had sent out four but only two returned.  He had lost more of his pack but they ate well that night.

They weren’t quite finished with the second one when the glow in the sky indicated the return of the bright light.  It wasn’t so much of an actual glow but more of a hint of the sky lightening.  The small lights in the sky in that direction started to fade and so it was time to leave and head back to their shelter.  With this, there was no hesitation with any of them or the other packs.  They had all felt the intense burning and heat of the bright light.  Those who were caught in even a glimpse or hint of that bright light for more than a couple of seconds died.

And so it was with haste that they retreated to the building where they stayed accompanied by the sound of many packs heading to their own lairs.  The night filled with the sound of feet slapping on the pavement; not the paced jogging of the hunt but an all-out run.  The streets quickly emptied.  The time of the other two-legged ones was coming.  They lost two this night but others would come to fill the gap.  There were still single ones or in twos or threes running around just waiting for a pack to scoop them up.

Stepping into the broken door to the building where they holed up during the day, he trekked up the stairs and into the darkened room where they slept.  He chose this room because it had no place to the outside where the light could shine through.  He was tired and laid down with his pack, nestled together for warmth; some nights closer together and others spread out depending on the heat of the day.  He kept closest to the entry because he was the strongest, their leader, and that was his place.

As he lay there, a certain musky scent came to his nostrils; a scent that aroused an even more animalistic nature inside of him and one he could not resist.  He rolled over to find one of his already trying to couple with the female in his pack.  He pushed the one aside with a warning grunt and mated falling asleep shortly thereafter.  He felt content but in a slightly different way than we would know or understand.

You can find the first and second books on Amazon:

A New World: Chaos

A New World: Return

A New World Epiphany!

So, there was little rest involved last night as my mind came alive with the actual ending – or possible ending – for the New World series.  I know the story and have that plotted for the most part but the ending has always eluded me until my mind exploded with ideas just as I was heading off into dreamland.

The problem I was having with the ending is that most stories resolved themselves back to the status quo for a resolution of some kind.  With a post-apocalyptic story, that is difficult to do as there is really never an ending to the story.  The sheer nature of a post-apocalyptic world involves a beginning of something entirely new where the status quo, or at least back to one, is impossible to achieve.  With that said, a possible ending book did materialize and I sat up for a lot of the night plotting out the story line for it.

I won’t give any spoilers and the actual writing of it is a while away.  There is a lot that happens with Jack, his kids, Lynn, and the rest between now and then.  The story must be told.  Hopefully my coffee won’t spill on my notes between now and then.  The third book, A New World: Sanctuary, is coming along slowly.  My goal of having the draft finished by the end of the month may not be achieved but the possibility still exists.  I am working on that story and getting A New World: Chaos ready for print publication as well.  I finished getting A New World: Return ready just today.  Those two book should be out in print by the end of the year but I am striving to complete that before then.

As I have said numerous times before and truly mean it, thank you all for your support in making the series a success beyond my wildest dreams.  I truly hope everyone who has read either one or both of the books have enjoyed it/them.  If you have, I ask that you take a spare moment, if you have one, and write up a review on Amazon.  That would be tremendously appreciated.

Have an awesome Wednesday all!

It’s a slow start, but a start nonetheless!

Rounded the 10,000 word mark on A New World: Sanctuary yesterday after staring at the screen endlessly for seeming days.  Not that I stared at an empty screen nor that I didn’t know where the book should head next, it was just like my fingers didn’t want to type it.  But, yesterday it seemed to roll.  I was thinking back and both of the other books seemed to go that way as well so I am hoping the roll and flow is coming.  I don’t know whether to set a deadline of the end of the month to finish the rough draft of this book or not.  It worked for book two but then I felt in a rush to get it out once I finished.  Maybe the bright flash of light will come.

So far, Jack and his group are back home and the new day has dawned – I know, pretty exciting stuff huh?  A couple of twists emerged making it a pretty busy and exciting day – like the alien spaceship landing and taking Jack away.  Okay, totally kidding here and needing more caffeine apparently.  Or perhaps too much!  There are a few crucial scenes coming up and I am still undecided on which way to go on one of them.  Not that it affects the overall story line much, but more in how things are going to happen.  I am rambling on now.

I do want to give a thank you for the great support regarding the first two books.  It has truly been amazing and I hope that those that are reading them are enjoying them.  Feel free to drop by and leave a review on Amazon or message me.

I am not sure whether to keep the name of this third book A New World: Sanctuary or A New World: Haven.  If you have an opinion one way or the other, drop me a line or two and throw your thoughts in.

I wish everyone a happy Sunday and hope the weekend has been good to you!



A New World: Sanctuary is Underway!

I don’t know why I even create a plot line for these books.  I spent a bit of the weekend and a lot of yesterday creating the plot line for Sanctuary.  Again, I don’t even know why I do that as the book seems to speed away without my control once I start.  I sat the past few days and plotted out the this and then that thing.  As with the previous books in the series, those items I come up with disappear or happen entirely different than when I sit and go through the book outline from a mind perspective.  It’s like someone else is writing and I am only the conduit for them.

Okay, maybe it is just me and amazed at the flow the books take as I begin writing them.  I have to have those outlines before I become comfortable sitting down at they keyboard but, once I do start pounding away, the story leaps out.  I am taking a small break in the writing to type out this blog.  The story sits waiting patiently, well, perhaps not so patiently, on a tab at the bottom of my screen.  This last hour since starting the third book in the series has seen the first 1,200 words flow onto the paper/screen.  it is calling and begging for more.

Yikes, maybe I need either more or less caffeine.  I am still startled and amazed by the response for the first two books.  I want to thank you so much for the wonderful support you have given.  It has taken off beyond my wildest dreams.  I could never have imagined such a favorable nor large response.  This may sound like a huge cliche, but, it is for you, the readers, that I am writing.  I want to share this story running through my head.  Feel free to drop by and leave a message or say hi, either on here, the amazon pages, or FB.

I wish everyone a happy Tuesday and hope all is well!

The Time to Write is Here Again!

I have been feeling the itch to put words on paper with the next book in the series; tentatively named A New World: Sanctuary.  The story runs through my mind, shifting and turning about.  I am sitting here enjoying a fresh Hef, to be complete with Nachos here shortly, and hashing through the plot line as we speak.  Or as I write this.  The plot line is mostly complete but the events have to be set in order.  Of course, as with the other books, they tend to write themselves once I get started and I am only the conduit through which they tell themselves.

Earlier, under the effects of a quad shot, I hashed out a bit of the series overall.  I have to tell you that, without really looking in detail at each book, that the overall story may take 9 or 10 books to tell.  Of course, that was the caffeine coursing through.  I am excited to continue with this next book and the ones to follow.  I will be deeply immersed in the next book by this weekend having put the plot line together.  That plot line is subject to change with the first word on the screen.

Okay, nachos are here.  Time to put the pad and keyboard down.  First though, I want to thank all of the readers so much!  You have been wonderful with your comments and support.  I wish everyone a happy Wednesday evening!

A New World: Return Published

The editing for A New World: Return is finally finished.  Yay!  That was a mind numbing week to finish in time.  The book has been submitted to Amazon but the author name came out incorrect so I will have to republish it once it gets out of the review process.  The book will still be available however.  I also submitted to Smashwords and is up and running there.  I expect the approval to come soon for the expanded distribution making it available to Barnes & Noble, Sony, iTunes, and the other eBook distribution sites within the next couple of weeks.

I really enjoyed writing this second book in the series, sans the editing process, and I truly hope you enjoy this next set of adventures for Jack and his group.  Next on the agenda is to format A New World: Chaos and A New World: Return into paperback versions and publish.  I am hoping to have those out by the end of October.  Then it is on to the third book which I am tentatively planning on naming A New World: Sanctuary.

I hope everyone has a tremendous day!

Release Date Set

The date for the second book in the series, A New World is set for 23 September, 2011.  A New World: Return will be available on this date in eBook format for Amazon and Smashwords with the book becoming available at Barnes & Noble, Sony, iTunes, Diesel, and Kobe in the following weeks as it propagates out to them.

The first book, A New World: Chaos will continue to be on sale for $2.99 through the rest of September.  I want to thank everyone for the great reviews and for supporting my Indie endeavor.  The sales for the first book have exceeded any expectations I have had and it is truly my hope that everyone who has read it enjoyed it.

I am really enjoying writing this series and it makes me happy to think that you are enjoying the book.  I hope that you enjoy the second book as much.  Off to finish the editing and I wish everyone a great Friday!


Great Day for A New World!

First of all, I hope that everyone had a great Labor Day Weekend!  The sun has finally come around and I want to thank everyone who sent some of their sun out way.

It has been a busy few days.  The first run-through’s on the edits for the second book, ‘A New World: Return,’ have been completed. and it is off to the editor for the red mark annihilation.  I am hoping the final editing will be finished within the week and will be looking for a publication date around the middle of the month which, miraculously, was my target.  I will announce the actual publication date soon.

I also found an amazing cover artist:
SM Reine
smreine (at) gmail (dot) com

If you are looking for cover art, she does great work, her response is quick, and her rates are very reasonable.  We have completed a cover art revision for the first book, ‘A New World: Chaos’ which will be uploaded within the next day or so.  I will make sure and put the new cover art on here to share.

Finally, I have begun formatting both books for print publication in paperback versions.  I plan to test the waters on Amazon first and then expand out to others depending on the response.  The response for ‘A New World: Chaos’ have been great in the last couple of weeks and I want to thank everyone who had a chance to read it and those that submitted reviews.  I wish I could thank everyone in person.

Here are the links for the first book:
Amazon kindle:


Barnes &Noble Nook:



It has been a busy one and still continues to be.  Once I get the second book published, it will be onto the third book.

Again, thank you and I hope the rest of your day treats you well!


Winding Down

I haven’t written much on the ‘ol blog lately as my writing has been concentrated on the book the second book in the New World series.  This one will be titled ‘A New World: Return’.  The story has been pouring out of me and onto the screen to the point where I should finish the rough draft today provided I don’t procrastinate too much.  That does have a high likelihood of happening.

There is only about 5,000 words remaining to the end and I am quite happy with the story and flow.  I didn’t think it would be as good as the first in the series – ‘A New World: Chaos’ – but as the story went on, I am just as, if not more, happy with the result so far.  A few stuck moments but I am ahead of the time line I set for myself to be done by the end of the month; much to my surprise.  I am hoping to do the rewrite and editing quickly in order to have it out and published by the middle of September.  Then, it is a possible very short break plotting the ideas for the third book and back to the keyboard once again.

If anyone does happen to get any of the eBooks most places eBooks are sold, feel free to leave a comment or review.  Your support is very much appreciated.

I hope this day treats everyone well!