The editing for A New World: Return is finally finished.  Yay!  That was a mind numbing week to finish in time.  The book has been submitted to Amazon but the author name came out incorrect so I will have to republish it once it gets out of the review process.  The book will still be available however.  I also submitted to Smashwords and is up and running there.  I expect the approval to come soon for the expanded distribution making it available to Barnes & Noble, Sony, iTunes, and the other eBook distribution sites within the next couple of weeks.

I really enjoyed writing this second book in the series, sans the editing process, and I truly hope you enjoy this next set of adventures for Jack and his group.  Next on the agenda is to format A New World: Chaos and A New World: Return into paperback versions and publish.  I am hoping to have those out by the end of October.  Then it is on to the third book which I am tentatively planning on naming A New World: Sanctuary.

I hope everyone has a tremendous day!