So, as you most likely know by now, I’m not the best nor most consistent of bloggers. However, I am now being held here at the keyboard by gunpoint to give an update on the next book. As much as the following information is written under duress, I can attest that it is nonetheless true.
I have been been mercilessly glued to the keyboard writing on the sixth book, tentatively titled “A New World: Dissension”. *gun butt to the head* “Ouch.” Okay, so mercilessly glued may not be the correct terminology. I have been trying to write as much as possible but the story is coming along slowly. I am, however, just over a third of the way through the draft and hoping to have it finished or close to finished by the end of the month. Keep in mind that it is a “hopefully”.
I want to thank everyone for the wonderful messages. Your kind words make my day and I am quite humbled by your responses to the series. I also want to thank you for all of your reviews. I read each and every one of them whether positive or negative as I feel they help me become a better writer.
Jack and crew are heading off on their latest adventure and, without throwing spoilers out, the night runners are becoming more active. I’ll keep this short as the story is calling. Remember, watch your asses when entering darkened buildings.
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