Break time is over!

I have been taking a break from pounding away at the keyboard lately for a few reasons.  One is that the sun has come out and, if you have ever been in the Northwest, you know that is must be taken advantage of.  The sun has a filling effect within and, with the top down on the Jeep, it is hard to stay away from.  Plus, my son has been over quite a bit and I am enjoying time spent with him as he is headed off to college soon.  Happiness and sadness with that.

Additionally and the biggest aspect was one of a creativity block.  The book and writing have been weighing on me to get to and to finish.  I was taking the approach of trying to write it from a mental point of view from the outside rather than living it.  I realized this late last night that I have not been living in it and trying to force it.  This caused very straight forward, linear writing, the result of which I was not very happy with.  The writing yesterday caused a twist in the story which I am not to happy with but may keep anyway and weave it in.  Realizing where I was coming from caused the block to vanish and I am now eager to get back into the story.  That is the place I was in writing the first book and it just flowed.

Well, the sun is out again and I’m going to go play for a little bit and then sit back somewhere, possible with the sun beating down on me, and go on with the story.  I hope everyone enjoys their day and it treats them well!


I’m Back!

A bit of a break and now I’m back at it.  The book is gaining a little momentum now that I’ve reached the first action scene.  The characters are set the dialogue necessary for the interactions set.  Well, at least I hope so.  They are some gabby folks.  Still locked on the Island in the book but should be venturing off to new places shortly.

The book sales for the first one aren’t the greatest and I haven’t retired to the beaches as yet.  But, then again, it’s not about the dollars, it’s about telling the story and hoping everyone enjoys it.  The reviews that have come back have been great so I am hoping those that have read it enjoy (ed) it.  the second should be just as good and the third and subsequent are filled with the action – at least in my head.

I do need to figure out how to use all of the characters that have come into the book.  In order to keep them involved in the story, the main character Jack has taken more of a delegation role.  I’m not overly thrilled about that and the editing will have to change that.   From here though, I am changing that to a large degree.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!  Spring is out and Summer is coming!

A Day In the Sun

Well, it’s time to get started back on the book.  Took a couple of days off as the sun, warm weather, and friends beckoned.  Took the top down on the Jeep Friday.  These days were just meant for heading out with the top down.  Music cranked, top down, sun out – priceless.  Not to mention BBQ’s, bonfires, and “there I was stories.”

Now the high clouds have rolled in for the moment – still a pretty day – and so it’s the laptop in the sun for a day of writing.  Well, that’s the plan anyway.  If the sun comes out full time, then all bets are off.  The Puget Sound waters are beckoning as well.

Ach!  The clouds are thickening as I write this.  It should only be a temporary thing though.  Okay, I left the book just into the first action sequence and I think Jack is getting impatient.  Happy end of the weekend all!

‘Twas a good day!

It was a good day of writing yesterday.   The characters are on the move at long last and I have the vision of events.  There will be more accomplished on that today – a short bit this afternoon and then tonight.

One of the hard things is splitting time between writing and marketing.  The marketing aspect can take on a full time status as there are a lot of avenues to cover, but, that takes away from the writing.  I am hoping the sales portion gathers momentum and reviews come in.  As of now, there have not been a lot of reviews but the ones I have had are quite favorable.  The stats on Amazon show that over half of those who looked at the page purchased the book.  Now, to get folks to look at the page.

The first in the series went out to Sony, Kobe, and Apple the other week and should be published there soon.  The publisher also sent another to Barnes & Noble so I had to withdraw the copy I had out there.

Well, off to wear my keyboard down some more.  Enjoy your day!

Back to it

Memorial Day has come and gone but I want to give a quick thanks here to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we  can continue.  Thank you!  And to the families who have lost loved ones.

I spent most of Memorial Day writing.  I have been writing and writing but the characters haven’t moved.  They are apparently a gabby bunch.  I think it may be more that I am stalling for the next action sequences as I haven’t played them through my mind as yet.  I’ll be interested to see what happens next.  I know the where’s and when’s but not exactly how it will go down.  Hopefully I will get there today.

I’m only about 15,000 words into the story.  I had hoped to be further, like almost done, but the weather has been rather nice and so I played a little this weekend.  Well, played on Saturday and recovered on Sunday.  No, not hangover but I’m afraid the age thing is catching up.  Sore muscles and such.

Okay, I’m off again to see what happens to Jack and his merry band.  I hope everyone has a great day!  Happy hunting!


It’s a Monday!

Well, the nice weather the past few days have not been very conducive to writing.  I ended up spending a sleepless night with other books to write running through my head.  I have to hold onto those and concentrate on the one in front of me.  I’ll be writing more on that one tonight.

The sales on the first one are not all that impressive but, it’s not really about the sales and money per se, it’s more about the writing and getting the story down.  Don’t get me wrong, it would be nice to sell a ton but more so on people reading my story as opposed to the money.  Obviously it’s not the entire case or it would be out there for free.

I have Jack a third of the way back from his trek half way across the world.  He’s a bit tired but about to launch on another leg of the trip with one additional stop on the way.  More information to gather before he begins the final leg.

The writing is taking on a different mind as there is one part I want to get to but so much has to happen prior to getting there.  I also find my mind venturing to stories and events that are in the next book in the series.  There is a slight impatience that goes along with that and I have to keep focused on the current moment in the book.

Enjoy your day all and happy reading!

A Good Day

Had a good day of writing yesterday.  I ended up writing quite a ways into the evening as the creative juices were flowing.  Funny how that creativity seems to flow in the evenings better.  It’s almost like the story takes off on its own in moments like that.  Like the story is writing itself and I am merely the conduit.  I am just as interested in the outcome as the reader.  And, you would think as the writer, I would be in charge.  I do find myself having to wind guide the story back to the plot line or character development at times as I look at it and wonder where I went.  All in all, a good day and made it quite a ways through a place where I was stuck.  Funny how you can write for hours and find your characters in the exact same spot as they were when you started.  I sometime wonder what the heck I wrote if they’re still there.

Well, the sun is out and I am off to play!  There will be some writing today but it may be one of those with the laptop out side in the sun.  This is one of those rare days to be taken advantage of.

A happy day to all and I hope your day is filled with enjoyment!


Well, more writing today.  I have been stuck on one part and am going to try and motor through it.  The thing about writing is that there are the not so interesting parts as well.  Parts that need to be included but are tougher to write.  It’s like reading the book when  you get to a boring part only it takes longer to get through.

The goal is to finish – or at least be close – with the rough draft by the end of the month but we’ll see how that goes.  The weather is getting nicer so it’s harder to stay and write as summers are so short.  Well, short blog today as the book isn’t going to write itself – if you anyone knows how it will, please let me know.

Enjoy the day and happy reading!

Another day of writing

Well, had a great start at the second book yesterday.  However, I did find out that the 10,000 plus words that I had written had disappeared down to a little over 1,500.  I’m going to write that off to the word gremlins.  I think I’ll have to set traps out for them.  I wasn’t too upset with that though as I wasn’t all that happy with the start anyway and gave me a chance to write a better beginning.  I’m glad the Prologue was still there as I did really like that aspect.

Finishing up this writing session today and made it through a dialogue  aspect that was giving me a hard time.  Sitting at just about 5,000 words as we speak.  I am not sure where the next part of the book will lead.  It will be interesting to find out.  Sometimes the book just seems to head in its own direction.

The sun has come out and it’s hard for me to not go play in it. So, I think I’ll succumb to its call.  I started getting my road bike ready for a quick pedal down the roads but found the front tire flat.  Apparently the gremlins were very busy.  I’m not really in the mood to find my spare and change it so it’s off to work on the Jeep.

Life is good! I hope everyone has a great day!

Book is published at long last!

I have finished the first book in a series that has been going through my mind for the past several years and finally published it.  It is about what I would actually do in the event of some world-ending event – or at least a mankind ending event.  It is out on Amazon, Lulu, and Smashwords.  Soon to be followed at Borders, Sony, iBookstore and Barnes and Noble.

I am about a quarter of the way through writing the second in the series – although almost the entire series is written in my mind.  Maybe I should just drill a hole – another one that is – in my head and let it just fall onto the paper.  I sure wish it worked that way.

The story itself is a survival horror story written in the first person as if I was actually living through it.  A virus, or actually, the antidote kills off a majority of the population and genetically altered another large percentage into a ferocious new species.  I have tried to keep things within my means of actually accomplishing.

This first book is about the first few days of the world-ending event; rescuing the kids and the journey to rescue a girlfriend.  The second will be about the return trip.  I am going to try and not give any spoilers out here.

The web site itself will deal primarily with the book but will also include posts of day to day thoughts.  Most of those thoughts center around quantum physics and the reality around us.

I hope you stay tuned and please feel free to leave comments and such.  I hope this day finds you well!