The Journey Continues

The story is calling once again.  I’ve left it hanging for far too long and the characters are itching to continue their tale.  Summer is about on us so this may take some time – when the sun is out in the Northwest, it must be taken advantage of.  However, with that said, I don’t think Jack and the group will allow me to idle too much with the story.

Today will be musing on the tale and thinking through story line, although that is  seldom held to.  But, we have to start somewhere.  Lurking in the background, Michael is calling as well.  *spoiler* Sandra and her craziness may have been dealt with but the danger from the night runners is far from over.   Greg has been left out on the road with just one team, the sub continues its journey along the seaboard, and a sniper shot has rung out.  The world has become an interesting place.

I do want to clarify something regarding the last title.  I referred to the last book often as “Rampage”.  When I finished the book, that title no longer truly corresponded to the story so I changed it to “Takedown”.  I apologize for any confusion about that.

I am often asked how long the story will be… how many books will the series eventually encompass?  The answer is that I don’t really know.  I know of three books at least including this next one.  It could end up being just those three books or it could go on.  The line I walk is to tell the survival story of the group without becoming repetitious in the events.  And the timeline of the story is an element as well.  The seventh book, Takedown, takes us to a point four to five months into the apocalyptic event.  I keep asking myself how long this will go and what it will entail but that is something that only Jack and the group of survivors can answer.  Once I start typing, they let me know what happens.

I wish all of the fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day and a fantastic weekend to all.  Thanks for following along with me.



A New World: Rampage Draft

Happy weekend everyone.  I just finished the first draft of the seventh book, A New World: Rampage, yesterday and am engaged in that wonderful world of editing.  I’ll hopefully be able to finish that in the next few days and send it off to the real editor.  I’ve long ago found out that I suck at editing.  At any rate, I’m hoping the finalized version will be out on Amazon toward the end of the month with the other distribution following a couple of weeks after.  I thought, however, that I would leave you with this little tease from the new book.  Keep in mind that it’s in draft form so forgive any errors.

The snarling face vanishes in a mist of dark spray. Its trajectory is altered and it sails between Henderson and me, landing on the floor with a heavy thud. Robert’s smoking barrel in my periphery tells me he just saved my bacon. However, this has allowed another night runner to follow and dive into the air, descending at a rapid pace directly at Robert. I still haven’t reloaded and he isn’t able to turn quickly enough.

I open up and scream a picture message of “NO!” The night runner’s expression, with its lips peeled back in a snarl revealing a set of broken teeth, changes to one of confusion. This does nothing to arrest its swift dive however. Timing it, I bring the butt of my M-4 up and slam it into the side of its face, feeling the jolt run up my arms and into my shoulder. It spins in mid-air, its body slamming into both of us crosswise high on our chests. The forceful impact knocks both of us off our feet and we land heavily across several other bodies lying on the floor.

The core of the night runner body is across my chest, effectively pinning my arms and me beneath it. Its chest lies across Robert. The night runner begins thrashing and squirming, growling in an attempt to get at him. Its face lies close to Robert but it can’t immediately get to him without shifting positions. That doesn’t prevent it from trying though. I feel the vibrations of a deep growl coming from the night runner. I try to get leverage with my arms but I can only wriggle like the foul-smelling creature on me. Next to me, I feel Robert struggling to do the same.

“Shoot it! Shoot the motherfucker!” I shout, thinking Robert might have his weapon free.

A New World: Rampage

That’s at least what I’m calling the seventh book at this stage.  That may change as the story progresses.  However, I’m happy to say that I have started on the 7th book and just passed the 20,000 word mark.  That’s almost about a quarter of the way through as most of the books are between 90,000 and 100,000 words.  As far as a schedule for finishing?  Yeah, good question.  I have a few irons in the fire right now so the writing is not my usual daily average.  However, that may pick up soon.  I am hoping to finish, or be close to being finished, toward the end of March.  We’ll see how that schedule pans out.

Mark Tufo and I have also started on our collaboration and I’m happy to say we are a fair ways into it.  It’s a lot of fun to write and if you haven’t read his Zombie Fallout series, you should.

Other little tid bits.  I’m working on getting the series out on audiobooks.  I have a publisher and narrator ready.  I’m wanting them more to be acted out so that is taking it a little longer.  Hopefully though, you should see that coming out within the next four months or so.  There are a lot of other things happening with the books which I’ll share at a later point when those parts are a little farther along the path.  It’s pretty cool though.

At any rate, I just wanted to share that the seventh is started so you hopefully won’t have to wait too long to read about the fine memorial services… wait, was that a spoiler?  hehe… jk… maybe.  As always, thank you so much for the wonderful reviews and messages.  You continue to humble me with your support. We are just a few weeks into the new year but I hope that it has been treating each and every one of you well!




Good afternoon everyone,

I figured it was time to give an update.  Dissension was released last month and I want to thank everyone for the great response.  I truly enjoy the great posts, messages, and reviews.  If you happen have read it and enjoyed it, I would definitely appreciate it if you could head over and leave a review.  And if you wouldn’t mind leaving a review for each of the books, that would be awesome.  Reviews are helpful for all authors for a variety of reasons:  Yes, they help sales, they give the author feedback so they know how it is being received – that only helps improve the writing and story line – and they give readers a perspective to help them decide.

Mark Tufo and I have started on our collaboration effort in getting Mike Talbot and Jack Walker together.  Mark is a great guy and the story is a blast to write.  I hope you enjoy the final product.  Mark has been gracious enough to host me and I’ll be heading there this weekend so we can further the story.  I’m sure there might be a beverage or two consumed, which will only enhance to story… haha.  I’m not sure of the time line for the publication of “A Shrouded World” but I’m thinking sometime toward the end of February.

I’ve started a forum on the web site –  Feel free to drop by and comment or start your own topic.  I’ve put up a few discussion topics which include survival prep and planning, a place to write fan fiction, and, of course, discussions about the books.  Swing by when you get a chance and put in your two cents.  Well, that’s how much my thoughts are going for – I’m sure yours are worth a lot more.

That’s about it.  I’ll be starting on the seventh book following the publication of “A Shrouded World” and tentatively naming it “A New World: Rampage”.  I hope you enjoy your upcoming weekend!


Taking the Slow Road

So, as you most likely know by now, I’m not the best nor most consistent of bloggers. However, I am now being held here at the keyboard by gunpoint to give an update on the next book. As much as the following information is written under duress, I can attest that it is nonetheless true.

I have been been mercilessly glued to the keyboard writing on the sixth book, tentatively titled “A New World: Dissension”. *gun butt to the head* “Ouch.” Okay, so mercilessly glued may not be the correct terminology. I have been trying to write as much as possible but the story is coming along slowly. I am, however, just over a third of the way through the draft and hoping to have it finished or close to finished by the end of the month. Keep in mind that it is a “hopefully”.

I want to thank everyone for the wonderful messages. Your kind words make my day and I am quite humbled by your responses to the series. I also want to thank you for all of your reviews. I read each and every one of them whether positive or negative as I feel they help me become a better writer.

Jack and crew are heading off on their latest adventure and, without throwing spoilers out, the night runners are becoming more active. I’ll keep this short as the story is calling. Remember, watch your asses when entering darkened buildings.


And Onto the Next

Good afternoon all,

I have figured out that I am at best, an errant blogger. I apologize for not keeping the site current or putting out news here in a more timely fashion. The good news, well hopefully it is, is that I’ve started pecking away at the keyboard on the sixth book. There are a little over 8,000 words in the bag and I’ll be devoting a little more time to upping that number. We are having our late summer here so it’s hard to keep glued to the chair. There’s only one reason I’m looking forward to the rains coming, it will more than not keep me at the keyboard. The next book is tentatively named “A New World: Dissension”. I won’t give any spoilers out at this point as, well, I don’t know any. I’m just as interested to see what happens. However, I will say and promise this, I won’t end it with a sub calling.

A tentative date you ask? I’m hoping to have a majority of it completed by the end of the month with a possible release time frame of early November. No promises though. I want to thank each and every one of you that have written and for your encouraging words. It’s so humbling to see your letters and know that the story is being enjoyed. I’m glad the writing can take you into another world for brief moments and relax.

Well, I’ll keep this short as Jack and crew are waiting to see what their next adventure will be. They’re calling for the story to continue. Before I go, I want to thank you for your reviews on each book. Those mean a lot to me. I hope this day finds everyone well!


It’s Alive

Okay, perhaps not alive but awakening.  Like that segue.  The fifth book in the series is out.  It took a little longer to write this one.  There is a little more character development and thus transitional scenes which take me a little longer to muddle through.  I am both happy and worried although a lot less worried now with all of the great responses so far.  The worry stems from a little departure from the action.  I guess not though.  As my son says, “You have worried about every book.  This is no different.”  He generally keeps me grounded like that.

Here’s the Amazon link for the book:

I’ll just keep this short and wanted to get the word out that the book was released.  Thank you so much for all of your support and great responses.  That really means a lot to me.  I hope you have an awesome day.


Time For An Update

I have once again been a little remiss about posting.  Blame Facebook, the nicer weather showing up, the solstice, or where it should actually lie with me.  I have been pecking away at the next book in the series, A New World: Awakening.  I am pleased to say that I am about 3/4 of the way through the draft.  It felt like I was pushing an elephant when I started but it seems to be flowing much better over this past week or so.  I will have to go back and look at the first part and possible rewrite it some.  We’ll see.

When I first started this book, I didn’t think I had enough to write a whole book and I would have to draw on some of what was planned in the next to complete it.  Well, now I’m having to shove stuff off to that book.  Once again, the story has taken control and I’m at its mercy.  A part that I was hoping I could eke 1/3 of the book about has now taken up most of it.  Which leaves me in a dilemma.  There were so many threads that needed exploring from the last book(s) and now they may need to be in the next one.  I think I will be able to cover most of them but one needs its due status as a greater aspect but I think I’ve found a way to guide into it for the next one.

When you ask?  Or maybe that is me asking.  I am hoping to be finished by the end of the month so it looks like early July.  There are a lot of things that could change that time frame – finishing the book for one.  I want to thank everyone once again for all of the nice messages and great reviews.  Each and every one of them are appreciated.  Thank you!

The Summer of Zombie Blog Tour is going well and I hope those of you following have enjoyed the posts and interviews.  I am admittedly lacking in writing some guest posts but will be submitting more in the near future.  I have to tell you the bunch are a great group of folks and great authors.  I am quite humbled to be included in their midst – Ian Woodhead, Armand Rosamilia, Mark Tufo, Dave Jeffery, and Todd Brown.

Well, I guess I’ll keep this short as the story is calling.  I wish everyone a great day and week and hope it’s a prosperous one for all!



A New World: Taken

Well, the draft and first lengthy edit is complete.  I am sending out the draft to the editing group tomorrow to get their take on it.  Then it’s just a few more quick run-through’s and the fourth book will be out.  Tomorrow will encompass writing the back cover description and coming up with a catchy tagline.  The cover still has to be designed but SM Reine is working her magic on that one.  I am hoping to have a publication date set shortly and looking to have it out within the next couple of weeks.  We’ll see how that pans out.  I wanted to have the draft and editing finished by now but my fingers would only operate at their own speed.

Seeing the story that was supposed to be told in this book didn’t seem to make it in, I will be starting on the next right away as the story is still fresh in my mind.  Yes, I’m throwing a small spoiler out.  I’m only the conduit for the story to be told through and this one took off on a tangent I hadn’t imagined.  What was only supposed to be a small part of the book ended up being most of it but I’m pleased with the result and hoping everyone else will be as well.

Okay, my mind is fried but I wanted to get this out.  I hope everyone’s evening was a pleasant one and I’m off to silence the incessant calling of my pillows.  Have a fun and enjoyable day wherever you may find yourself!



Question for A New World?

I am looking ahead past the new year to begin the process of beginning the next writing session, creating the plot line, warming up the fingers, and so on, but have a question with what everyone would like to see.  I am contemplating a companion novel to the series depicting Jack’s early years focusing primarily around his military career.  I am thinking this would be the ideal time to introduce that or would you prefer to have the next book out be a continuation of the series.  Feel free to post on FB or on the web site if you have an opinion.  I mean on the next book 🙂

I have several interesting ideas on some of the story line.  My son and I have been up late the last couple of nights hashing over various plot lines – some good laughs were had in several of them.  One of the larger plot lines that was running through this vacuum between my ears took a missile on the wing and went down in a flaming wreck – or so he thinks.  Bwahaha.  The phoenix may raise its head again.  On the whole, I think it should be an interesting series of events and such coming up.  Of course, once I begin typing on the story, it takes a mind of its own and so I’ll be interested as well to see what happens.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year!  Please, stay safe, make the right choices, and I’ll see you in 2012!
