The story is calling once again. I’ve left it hanging for far too long and the characters are itching to continue their tale. Summer is about on us so this may take some time – when the sun is out in the Northwest, it must be taken advantage of. However, with that said, I don’t think Jack and the group will allow me to idle too much with the story.
Today will be musing on the tale and thinking through story line, although that is seldom held to. But, we have to start somewhere. Lurking in the background, Michael is calling as well. *spoiler* Sandra and her craziness may have been dealt with but the danger from the night runners is far from over. Greg has been left out on the road with just one team, the sub continues its journey along the seaboard, and a sniper shot has rung out. The world has become an interesting place.
I do want to clarify something regarding the last title. I referred to the last book often as “Rampage”. When I finished the book, that title no longer truly corresponded to the story so I changed it to “Takedown”. I apologize for any confusion about that.
I am often asked how long the story will be… how many books will the series eventually encompass? The answer is that I don’t really know. I know of three books at least including this next one. It could end up being just those three books or it could go on. The line I walk is to tell the survival story of the group without becoming repetitious in the events. And the timeline of the story is an element as well. The seventh book, Takedown, takes us to a point four to five months into the apocalyptic event. I keep asking myself how long this will go and what it will entail but that is something that only Jack and the group of survivors can answer. Once I start typing, they let me know what happens.
I wish all of the fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day and a fantastic weekend to all. Thanks for following along with me.