Update time

Well, I guess it’s time for one of my sporadic updates.  I finished the first book in a new series which will span two novels.  Lifting the Veil: Fallen is now at the editor for the second round of editing.  It should be back in my hands around the middle of December.  It’s an apocalyptic novel like usual, but it leads down a much different path than any I’ve taken before.  Rather than my usual free-flowing style, this one had to have the story carefully sculpted and placed.  Some of it was written in the same style, but the tale had to fit certain parameters.  At any rate, I’m thinking it should be available around the Christmas time or shortly thereafter.  I’ll present a cover reveal shortly prior to receiving the book back.

The third book of A Shrouded World is still out on pre-order for both the book and audio versions. Mark and I are writing on the fourth book as our writing schedules permit.  I have no idea when this will be finished, but we’re shooting for completion sometime in the February/March time frame.

Next, besides writing on A Shrouded World when I can, I’ll be continuing on the second book of the Lifting the Veil series before going back to the Red Team series.  I’m eager to get back to Jack, but I want to get this current series finished while it’s still fresh in my mind.  And then it’s off to the races with Red Team.  They’ve been in limbo for too long.

And finally, I’m slowly getting caught up with the audio books.  Currently, Mark G is narrating The Third Wave: Eidolon and it’s expected to be finished by the end of the month.  Then, we’ll dive into the third book in the ARES Virus series, followed by Red Team: Strigoi.  It’s taken a long time to get these out, so accept my apologies for not having them ready sooner.  I’m trudging along with these and will eventually get caught up.

I guess that’s about it for now.  I hope you have a fantastic rest of 2017 and that it treats you well.



Here’s what’s going on

Well,  the second book of ARES Virus, ARES Virus: White Horse, was recently released into the audio book world. I am slowly catching up with the audio book releases.  Each one takes time, so please bear with me as I work through these. I think I may skip over the start of the third book in favor of The Third Wave: Eidolon. After that one, I’ll go back to the third book.  Once those are out, then it’s onto the first Red Team book, Strigoi.  I apologize for the length of time it’s taking to get all of these published.

In the writing world, I am working on what I thought was going to be a stand-alone novel which is a work outside of my normal box.  I reached the end and realized that there was a lot of story to tell, so that is turning into a two-book series.  Currently, I’m doing a read through and need to add a couple of sections before it goes off to editing.  I’m pretty excited by this book, something that worries me as I’ve always been a little anxious over the previous ones.  No, no clues as yet as to what it is about, but I’ll be trickling those out as it goes into editing.  Once this is in editing, I’ll start on the second book before going back to the Red Team series.  And, Mark Tufo recently wrote that he’ll shortly start on the section of the fourth Shrouded World book I sent, so there will also be that to write on.

I think that’s about it in my world.  I hope that everything in yours is going well and thank you so much for all of your support and reviews.


Here’s What’s Up

Well, I’ve been spending a bit of time at the keyboard, with a little time off to enjoy the last few days of sun I’ll see in a while. I figured it was time to catch everyone, and myself, up-to-date on what’s going on.  The first book in a new series with Jack, Red Team: Strigoi, was recently released and it was fun to write more of his adventures.  The third book in Mark Tufo’s and my collaboration, A Shrouded World: Convergence, is on pre-order for December 12.  I have written about a quarter of the fourth book in that series and passed it on to Mark, but that is a series we will work on when we get time between other books.

So, currently, I am about two-thirds of the way through a rough draft in a book outside of my normal writings.  I won’t share too much about it now as I’m still no exactly sure where it’s heading.  I’m enjoying writing this one, but the hours of research it is taking is exhausting.  I hope to have this one finished and out to editing by the end of the month.  I will say that it is still within the apocalypse nature, but of a different variety.

The audio book of ARES Virus: White Horse has just been completed and is undergoing Audible’s quality control.  That usually takes about ten to fourteen days and should be available by mid-October.  I’ll be continuing along with the third audio book in the series once the second one has been published.  Bear with me as these audio books take a while to complete, but I will be getting to the rest of them in order.

Once my current story is off to the editors, I’ll start on the second book in the Red Team series.  So, that’s about it.  I hope your day is going well and thank you all for your tremendous support and reviews.


Red Team: Strigoi published

Those monsters that kept you up at night as a child, the ones that made you pull the covers up to your chin while you stared into the dark corners and saw shadows move. Or pulled the blankets over your head and imagined creatures inching across your bedroom. Well, they’re real.

The Organization, as it’s called, is tasked with keeping the nightmares of myth and legend from invading the public eye. The group must be kept a secret along with the fact that the creatures exist. As civilization expands its boundaries, that undertaking becomes more difficult. A very few are selected to stand on the lines between humankind and the horrors lurking in the dark recesses of the world.

Follow Jack Walker and Red Team as they’re pulled into the shadows to combat creatures that once kept them awake at night.

Jack is back at long last. Granted, in a different story and situation, but he and the Red Team members are coming together for another series.  I missed writing about him and he’s never left my mind since finished A New World, coming back strongly since picking A Shrouded World up with Mark Tufo again.  Although I enjoy writing the other characters I have, especially Emily and Erin, Jack settles in perfectly.  I don’t have to fold into character per se when writing about him, he’s just there.  So, I hope you enjoy the first book in this new series.

In addition, I’m writing on a new book that kept me awake all night one evening as it flooded into and filled my few brain cells.  I am really enjoying writing this new story, which will probably be another stand-alone novel.  It all depends on where the story develops.  I will say that I’m a little worried about this next one as it may be a touch controversial to some, but it’s merely a story that came in one evening on the winds of summer filtering through my window.

The third book in the Shrouded World series is off being recorded for audio as I type this, the goal to release all versions of the book at the same time.  It’s expected to be completed toward the end of September or early October.  I have also written about a quarter of the fourth book in the same series and sent that off to Mark for him to do his parts to pass back this way.

ARES Virus: White Horse is in the final stages of audio production and should be finished by the end of the month.  Audible will take their two weeks for quality control and publish.

That’s about it.  I hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Before We Die

With the eclipse upon us and this one surely to kill us all, I thought I’d better send an update out. I guess so my mind isn’t full of rumblings when the wave of fire sweeps across the globe.  Now with that, there has been a little bit going on with more to come.  ARES Virus: Arctic Storm has been released on audio and is available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.  Red Team: Strigoi, the first book in a new Jack series, is at the editor and should be back in my hands by the end of the month.  Then, it’s a read through and off for a short pre-order scheduling.  It should be published sometime in mid-September.  The third book of A Shrouded World should be ready somewhere toward the end of September, in all versions.   I’ll be pushing ahead with the recording of ARES Virus; White Horse here shortly and continuing down the line.

Of course, all of this is moot as we won’t be around to enjoy the stories, but there’s my update anyway.  I hope you’re having a great weekend and if you’re long the path of the eclipse, take care of your eyes.


The state of things

It’s been a busy time of late and I’m excited for the upcoming books.  A Shrouded World: Convergence, the third book in the series with Mark Tufo, is going through its final read through on both our parts and should be finished soon.  From there, it will go into audio production and be released in all versions sometime in September.  I’ve enjoyed writing on these books and we’re wanting to keep the series alive in some fashion.

Red Team: Strigoi is now at the editor where it will undergo a month-long transition into something readable.  The book should be back in my hands toward the end of the month where it will go through a final reading before slapping that publish button.  With this one, I’m going to create a pre-order which seems to be all the rave.  That will happen is September.  I really like this book, which should send shivers of doubt coursing down my back.  With each book so far, I’ve been worried, but with this one, I like how it turned out.  So, that is worrying me.

I’ve finally started turning the other titles into audio books.  ARES Virus: Arctic Storm is approximately 75% finished with the recording and mastering, so I anticipate the full book uploaded to Audible here very soon.  I’ll listen to it and then audible has to go through their testing.  I’m guessing that it will be available by the end of the month.  Once that has been completed, I’ll continue with the others in the series and then tackle The Third Wave: Eidolon.

So, there should be a few new titles and editions soon.  I want to thank you for all of your support as I’ve slowly crept back into the writing world.  If you’ve read through any of the latest releases and enjoyed them, would you mind heading over and dropping off a review for each one.  I’d greatly appreciate it and hope your week is treating you well.


Red Team Series

Well, Jack is back. Ever since picking up A Shrouded World and writing the third novel in that series, he’s been clamoring in my head. And, honestly, I miss writing him. Jack has more tales to be told, and Red Team is along with him. The Shrouded World series has opened the avenue for those stories to be told. As much as I enjoyed the characters of Sergeants Brown Jennings and Emily in ARES Virus, Sam and Erin and the others in Eidolon, Jack just resides deep within me. He’s a part of me, my brother, my uncle, my twin. He’s Jack and I’m able to connect with him, to know and understand him.

Now, with that said, it’s not easy to start a completely new world. Red Team is also back, but in a different light. They don’t share the warmth of close bonds as they’re meeting for the first time. Their relationships cannot be contrived, but slowly developed and nurtured over time. The bonds and trust have to be fashioned. So, don’t expect a plunge back into the middle of A New World. Jack and Lynn are also meeting for the first time, so what they had in the other series isn’t to be found in these initial pages. All of these relationships will develop as they walk along the razor’s edge of the world. And, as such, Robert, Nicole, and Brianna aren’t suddenly thrust into the sudden demise of the world, along with the turmoils and dangers the end brings. This won’t be a repeat of A New World – this will be a new tale.

The rough draft of the first book, Red Team: Strigoi, has been completed and is undergoing the first round of edits. I cannot even begin to explain how much I enjoy writing about Jack. He’s ingrained into my psyche and we know each other. I know his thoughts and he relates to mine. There is no character to develop as with the others, he’s just there. So, as such, when the book is out, I ask that you go into it with an open mind and not one with the idea of Red Team that was in the other series.


Red Team: Strigoi

Well, this new series is slowly progressing, mostly because I’ve created a creature that is damn hard to kill. The hard thing with this first book is bringing Red Team together for the first time and making it seem that way. The camaraderie they enjoyed in A New World has to slowly evolve. And, Lynn and Jack aren’t together…yet. 🙂 This will all mesh in later books. Also, Jack’s kids are just that, his kids while he heads off on assignments. So, who are the Red Team members you ask? Gonzalez, McCafferty, Henderson, Denton, Greg, and of course Jack. But…but Lynn? Don’t worry, she’s there as well.
At the moment, I’m sitting at nearly 74k words and only slowly progressing as I don’t know exactly how this ending is going to go. Normally, I have that in mind at this point in a book and the writing flows quickly to an ending. However, with that said, I’m actually hoping to wrap the rough draft up this coming week. And the book title will most likely be Red Team: Strigoi, so that should be a clue as to what lies inside the pages.
In other news, A Shrouded World should be back from the editor in about 2 1/2 weeks. Then, we go through the editing recommendations, finalize the cover, and go through it a final time. Expected completion and publication will be sometime around September, but that is dependent on a couple of other aspects.
I hope everyone is having an awesome weekend!

Time for Another Update

Well, Mark Tufo sent his part from the third book in the Shrouded World series back and I’ve been working on the final touches of the story this past week.  I absolutely enjoy writing in this world as there are few limits and our writing styles, although different, just mesh well together. I sent my copy back to Mark today for his final read through.  It will then be sent to me for my final read through and the editing phase will begin.  That will take about a month or so and the cover is being designed.  So, by all expectations, this should be ready for the electronic shelves by the end of July.

This has been an exceptional ride and I want to thank everyone for their support.  Mike, Trip and Jack were pulled into this strange world overwhelmed by creatures of all varieties.  While battling for their existence, they attempted to figure out how they could return to their home worlds and family.  Around every corner was a new obstacle and information fleeting about what transpired.  Things went south so quickly, no one sat down to write notes.  They had to figure things out as they went along, and still tromped across the landscape mostly clueless.  The third book, A Shrouded World: Convergence, works its way to a conclusion…kind of.  I won’t say anymore, but let you find out for yourselves.

So, while waiting for a final read through and while it’s then sent to the editors, I’ll be diving back into another world with Jack.  At the moment, I’m a little over 52k words into that story and have absolutely no idea where it’s going to go.  I have a long scene which I’ll be doing, but then, well, I suppose Jack will tell me what’s going to happen.  I’m kind of eager and worried about what that might be.   Now, you all know Red Team and Lynn from A New World, and they’re back in this one, but there are a few differences.  Jack is now a Somalian pirate with a kangaroo side kick….wait, wrong story.  The first book is Red Team coming together, so there isn’t the comraderie built up like in the series…just yet.  Oh, and Greg is there as part of Red Team, sooo, there’s that fun to look forward to.  There are several larger story arcs that will be a part of this series of books which will each culminate in their own way.

That’s about it for now.  I know there are some who are now saying, but what about book 11 in A New World.  I haven’t forgotten, and I will get back to that here soon.  But, these stories need to be told first so that my head isn’t crammed with all of this dialogue from characters shouting to be heard.  I want to also thank everyone for their support with the ARES Virus series and The Third Wave: Eidolon.  I’m more than thrilled with the responses from Eidolon.  It was a different kind of story that had me a bit worried, so I’m happy that it’s enjoyed so much.  If you wouldn’t mind taking the time to leave a review for each of the books, I’d be so grateful.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


The Third Wave: Eidolon Release

Well, the stand-alone book, The Third Wave: Eidolon, was released yesterday.  As much as I fought with the story, I very much enjoyed writing it.

In 2003, the largest recorded solar flare collided with Earth. The sensors measuring the solar storm were destroyed at an X28 rating, but it was determined later to be an X45 class flare. A satellite monitoring solar activity picks up something far surpassing that classification and on a collision course.

A solar storm, so strong that X classifications no longer apply, hits the CERN large hadron collider at the moment of particle collision, sending a quantum wave around the world. Souls are ripped from the over 7 billion people that are in its path, many immediately succumbing. Those remaining either feel nothing or are tormented by endless agony. Only a few escape its path.

Sam and his teenage daughter Erin return to the surface to find a very different world from the one they left. Stranded, they must adapt quickly or become one of the creatures that now roam the earth.

In the Middle East, a small team of soldiers may be the only ones left in a harsh environment overrun by creatures. With very few options and far from any refuge, they set out on a quest for help. Will the reapers hunt them down before they make it to the coast?

Commander Lawrence resurfaces after a successful deep dive test of the Navy’s new toy, only to find a transformed world. The floating derelicts of his escort vessels don’t begin to show the horrors of what he’ll find ashore.

I hope everyone is having an awesome weekend and thank you for all of your support!
