The state of things

It’s been a busy time of late and I’m excited for the upcoming books.  A Shrouded World: Convergence, the third book in the series with Mark Tufo, is going through its final read through on both our parts and should be finished soon.  From there, it will go into audio production and be released in all versions sometime in September.  I’ve enjoyed writing on these books and we’re wanting to keep the series alive in some fashion.

Red Team: Strigoi is now at the editor where it will undergo a month-long transition into something readable.  The book should be back in my hands toward the end of the month where it will go through a final reading before slapping that publish button.  With this one, I’m going to create a pre-order which seems to be all the rave.  That will happen is September.  I really like this book, which should send shivers of doubt coursing down my back.  With each book so far, I’ve been worried, but with this one, I like how it turned out.  So, that is worrying me.

I’ve finally started turning the other titles into audio books.  ARES Virus: Arctic Storm is approximately 75% finished with the recording and mastering, so I anticipate the full book uploaded to Audible here very soon.  I’ll listen to it and then audible has to go through their testing.  I’m guessing that it will be available by the end of the month.  Once that has been completed, I’ll continue with the others in the series and then tackle The Third Wave: Eidolon.

So, there should be a few new titles and editions soon.  I want to thank you for all of your support as I’ve slowly crept back into the writing world.  If you’ve read through any of the latest releases and enjoyed them, would you mind heading over and dropping off a review for each one.  I’d greatly appreciate it and hope your week is treating you well.


Red Team: Strigoi

Well, this new series is slowly progressing, mostly because I’ve created a creature that is damn hard to kill. The hard thing with this first book is bringing Red Team together for the first time and making it seem that way. The camaraderie they enjoyed in A New World has to slowly evolve. And, Lynn and Jack aren’t together…yet. 🙂 This will all mesh in later books. Also, Jack’s kids are just that, his kids while he heads off on assignments. So, who are the Red Team members you ask? Gonzalez, McCafferty, Henderson, Denton, Greg, and of course Jack. But…but Lynn? Don’t worry, she’s there as well.
At the moment, I’m sitting at nearly 74k words and only slowly progressing as I don’t know exactly how this ending is going to go. Normally, I have that in mind at this point in a book and the writing flows quickly to an ending. However, with that said, I’m actually hoping to wrap the rough draft up this coming week. And the book title will most likely be Red Team: Strigoi, so that should be a clue as to what lies inside the pages.
In other news, A Shrouded World should be back from the editor in about 2 1/2 weeks. Then, we go through the editing recommendations, finalize the cover, and go through it a final time. Expected completion and publication will be sometime around September, but that is dependent on a couple of other aspects.
I hope everyone is having an awesome weekend!

Time for Another Update

Well, Mark Tufo sent his part from the third book in the Shrouded World series back and I’ve been working on the final touches of the story this past week.  I absolutely enjoy writing in this world as there are few limits and our writing styles, although different, just mesh well together. I sent my copy back to Mark today for his final read through.  It will then be sent to me for my final read through and the editing phase will begin.  That will take about a month or so and the cover is being designed.  So, by all expectations, this should be ready for the electronic shelves by the end of July.

This has been an exceptional ride and I want to thank everyone for their support.  Mike, Trip and Jack were pulled into this strange world overwhelmed by creatures of all varieties.  While battling for their existence, they attempted to figure out how they could return to their home worlds and family.  Around every corner was a new obstacle and information fleeting about what transpired.  Things went south so quickly, no one sat down to write notes.  They had to figure things out as they went along, and still tromped across the landscape mostly clueless.  The third book, A Shrouded World: Convergence, works its way to a conclusion…kind of.  I won’t say anymore, but let you find out for yourselves.

So, while waiting for a final read through and while it’s then sent to the editors, I’ll be diving back into another world with Jack.  At the moment, I’m a little over 52k words into that story and have absolutely no idea where it’s going to go.  I have a long scene which I’ll be doing, but then, well, I suppose Jack will tell me what’s going to happen.  I’m kind of eager and worried about what that might be.   Now, you all know Red Team and Lynn from A New World, and they’re back in this one, but there are a few differences.  Jack is now a Somalian pirate with a kangaroo side kick….wait, wrong story.  The first book is Red Team coming together, so there isn’t the comraderie built up like in the series…just yet.  Oh, and Greg is there as part of Red Team, sooo, there’s that fun to look forward to.  There are several larger story arcs that will be a part of this series of books which will each culminate in their own way.

That’s about it for now.  I know there are some who are now saying, but what about book 11 in A New World.  I haven’t forgotten, and I will get back to that here soon.  But, these stories need to be told first so that my head isn’t crammed with all of this dialogue from characters shouting to be heard.  I want to also thank everyone for their support with the ARES Virus series and The Third Wave: Eidolon.  I’m more than thrilled with the responses from Eidolon.  It was a different kind of story that had me a bit worried, so I’m happy that it’s enjoyed so much.  If you wouldn’t mind taking the time to leave a review for each of the books, I’d be so grateful.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
