Well, this new series is slowly progressing, mostly because I’ve created a creature that is damn hard to kill. The hard thing with this first book is bringing Red Team together for the first time and making it seem that way. The camaraderie they enjoyed in A New World has to slowly evolve. And, Lynn and Jack aren’t together…yet. 🙂 This will all mesh in later books. Also, Jack’s kids are just that, his kids while he heads off on assignments. So, who are the Red Team members you ask? Gonzalez, McCafferty, Henderson, Denton, Greg, and of course Jack. But…but Lynn? Don’t worry, she’s there as well.
At the moment, I’m sitting at nearly 74k words and only slowly progressing as I don’t know exactly how this ending is going to go. Normally, I have that in mind at this point in a book and the writing flows quickly to an ending. However, with that said, I’m actually hoping to wrap the rough draft up this coming week. And the book title will most likely be Red Team: Strigoi, so that should be a clue as to what lies inside the pages.
In other news, A Shrouded World should be back from the editor in about 2 1/2 weeks. Then, we go through the editing recommendations, finalize the cover, and go through it a final time. Expected completion and publication will be sometime around September, but that is dependent on a couple of other aspects.
I hope everyone is having an awesome weekend!