I haven’t written much on the ‘ol blog lately as my writing has been concentrated on the book the second book in the New World series. This one will be titled ‘A New World: Return’. The story has been pouring out of me and onto the screen to the point where I should finish the rough draft today provided I don’t procrastinate too much. That does have a high likelihood of happening.
There is only about 5,000 words remaining to the end and I am quite happy with the story and flow. I didn’t think it would be as good as the first in the series – ‘A New World: Chaos’ – but as the story went on, I am just as, if not more, happy with the result so far. A few stuck moments but I am ahead of the time line I set for myself to be done by the end of the month; much to my surprise. I am hoping to do the rewrite and editing quickly in order to have it out and published by the middle of September. Then, it is a possible very short break plotting the ideas for the third book and back to the keyboard once again.
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I hope this day treats everyone well!