Well, the draft and first lengthy edit is complete. I am sending out the draft to the editing group tomorrow to get their take on it. Then it’s just a few more quick run-through’s and the fourth book will be out. Tomorrow will encompass writing the back cover description and coming up with a catchy tagline. The cover still has to be designed but SM Reine is working her magic on that one. I am hoping to have a publication date set shortly and looking to have it out within the next couple of weeks. We’ll see how that pans out. I wanted to have the draft and editing finished by now but my fingers would only operate at their own speed.
Seeing the story that was supposed to be told in this book didn’t seem to make it in, I will be starting on the next right away as the story is still fresh in my mind. Yes, I’m throwing a small spoiler out. I’m only the conduit for the story to be told through and this one took off on a tangent I hadn’t imagined. What was only supposed to be a small part of the book ended up being most of it but I’m pleased with the result and hoping everyone else will be as well.
Okay, my mind is fried but I wanted to get this out. I hope everyone’s evening was a pleasant one and I’m off to silence the incessant calling of my pillows. Have a fun and enjoyable day wherever you may find yourself!