I reached the half way point yesterday after a few days or furious writing.  Some of it the ‘bang your head against the wall’ writing but, for the most part, it flowed along.  I started last Monday with 20,000 words and finished last night with just over 50,000.  And, that was taking two plays days so I am extremely pleased with both the progress and story.

I really enjoy writing because the story is created right before me.  Sure I have a story line and a general direction, but when I get into that trance of hammering away on the keys, the story just takes off on its own to some degree.  I just let the action and event happen right before me and sometimes it’s just as new to me as to you first reading it.  I have the start and end result in mind and then let the story take shape between those two points.  Living the moment of the book.  It is a living entity to me.

I will be at it again today but perhaps not as furious as in previous days, but, you never know.  I am on pace to finish my goal of having the rough draft completed by the end of the month, hopefully releasing it by the middle of September.

I with everyone a great day and hope it’s an enjoyable one for you!