A bit of a break and now I’m back at it. The book is gaining a little momentum now that I’ve reached the first action scene. The characters are set the dialogue necessary for the interactions set. Well, at least I hope so. They are some gabby folks. Still locked on the Island in the book but should be venturing off to new places shortly.
The book sales for the first one aren’t the greatest and I haven’t retired to the beaches as yet. But, then again, it’s not about the dollars, it’s about telling the story and hoping everyone enjoys it. The reviews that have come back have been great so I am hoping those that have read it enjoy (ed) it. the second should be just as good and the third and subsequent are filled with the action – at least in my head.
I do need to figure out how to use all of the characters that have come into the book. In order to keep them involved in the story, the main character Jack has taken more of a delegation role. I’m not overly thrilled about that and the editing will have to change that. From here though, I am changing that to a large degree.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Spring is out and Summer is coming!