Just a Reminder!

The days until the release of Tipping Point: The Fifth Tunnel are winding down.  It’s not too late to head over and pick up your pre-order for the 6th book in the series.  The live publication date is this Friday, 25 August.  I hope you enjoy the next chapter in the story. I’d love to hear what you think, and thank you so much for your support.  I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and an amazing weekend!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFZSH3JF


Tipping Point: The Fifth Tunnel is now available for pre-order

The 6th book in the Tipping Point series, Tipping Point: The Fifth Tunnel, is now available for pre-order on Amazon. At the moment, only the eBook version will be published, followed shortly thereafter by the paperback. I am starting the process of having the book narrated, so the delay with the audiobook shouldn’t be overlong.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFZSH3JF

I really appreciate the support you’ve given the series, and the others. I truly can’t express enough how much it means to me. I love telling stories and it makes my day knowing they’re enjoyed. I’ll keep this short as the outdoors beckons. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

Thank you,


Tipping Point: Korea audiobook is available!

I know it took a while for the 5th book in the Tipping Point series to become available in audiobook format, but the wait is over. Mark Gagliardi did another amazing job narrating the book and I’m thankful for him taking the time to bring these stories to life. I’ll keep this short as it’s mostly just a notice that its live on Audible. I hope you enjoy this next phase of the overall story and thank you so much for all of the support you give. I am truly appreciative and hope life is treating you well!


Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Tipping-Point-Korea-Audiobook/B0C4CNL73M

Tipping Point: Korea is now available!

The 5th book in the Tipping Point series, Tipping Point: Korea, is now available in eBook format on Amazon.  The paperback version will be…should be…up and ready to go by the end of today.  Mark Gagliardi has already started the narration for the audiobook and will hopefully be completed somewhere toward the end of March.  I’ll definitely keep you posted on when that come available.  I have chosen to only publish this series on Amazon as the other outlet I utilized is merging with another and the tax situation had become a nightmare.  I just don’t want to have to deal with that again, so I apologize if you purchase elsewhere.

Purchase on Amazon

As you’ll note in the book, the timeline is rather condensed.  It basically covers the first 48 hours or so of North Korea’s movements toward the DMZ and the reactions of the United States and Republic of Korea.  I didn’t intend for it be come out that way, it’s just that I ran out of book while telling the story.  So, there will be lots more to come from that arena.  I’m already nearly a quarter of the way through book six and I have no idea how far down the road I’ll make it with this one.  At this stage, I’m guessing there will be a 7th book, but who knows.  I’m apparently not very good at guessing how many books it takes to finish a story.

At any rate, thank you so much for taking the chance with this series, and others.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the support.  So, on that note, I suppose I should get back to it and hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Tipping Point: Korea is available for Pre-order!

Tipping Point: Korea, the 5th book in the series, is now available for pre-order for a 10 March download.  I have the book on Amazon in eBook format.  The print version will be available for pre-order in the next day or two.  I will also be starting the audiobook narration process here shortly, but don’t have a date for when that will be ready as yet.  Stay tuned.  I hope you enjoy the continuation of the Tipping Point series and that your year is treating you well!


Available for Pre-order on Amazon

Tipping Point: Penghu audiobook released!

As the title indicates, the fourth book in the Tipping Point series, Tipping Point: Penghu has been released in its audiobook format. It took a little longer than expected, and promised, but Mark Gagliardi did another exceptional job. At least in my opinion. I hope you enjoy this next iteration.

Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Penghu-Audiobook/B0BRDGHLVC

As for the fifth book, I am nearing the end of the rough draft. I’m expecting it to be ready for publication sometime in the early part of February, although that’s subject to change. I have no idea how many books it will take to complete the story, but there will a sixth one for sure.

I want to thank you again for all of the support you’ve given over the years. I’m not sure where I’ll head once this series has been completed, but I have a fantasy genre story that has been rattling around in my mind since summer. For those waiting for the next Red Team, that hasn’t been forgotten. I hope that this year brings peace and fortune into your life!


Tipping Point: Penghu is Live

Tipping Point: Penghu, the 4th book in the series, is now live on Amazon.  The rest of the eBook sites will follow within the next couple of days, if not sooner. I have started the audiobook process and that should be out sometime in early to mid-November. Thank you for your patience.

Another American carrier was hit by the Chinese, this time from their vaunted hypersonic ship-killer missiles. The United States must respond or jeopardize losing the task forces meant to keep China from the South China Sea and Taiwan. In doing so, they run the risk of escalating the conflict beyond its current regional confinement.

The hostilities between China and Taiwan are in full swing, with both sides exchanging long-range missile fire. China’s invasion fleets are gathered in their ports, ready to put to sea. Taiwan braces for the worst while the United States continues to press the undersea battles in order to be able to assist.

Will Taiwan be able to hold back the first Chinese foray?

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGD1L1NF

I truly appreciate all of your support and can’t fully describe just how much it means to me. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoy this new addition of the ongoing story, and please let me know what you think. I hope your week is treating you well.


Tipping Point: Penghu Pre-Order

Tipping Point: Penghu, the 4th book in the series, is now available for pre-order with a 4 October download.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGD1L1NF

Another American carrier was hit by the Chinese, this time from their vaunted hypersonic ship-killer missiles. The United States must respond or jeopardize losing the task forces meant to keep China from the South China Sea and Taiwan. In doing so, they run the risk of escalating the conflict beyond its current regional confinement.

The hostilities between China and Taiwan are in full swing, with both sides exchanging long-range missile fire. China’s invasion fleets are gathered in their ports, ready to put to sea. Taiwan braces for the worst while the United States continues to press the undersea battles in order to be able to assist.

Will Taiwan be able to hold back the first Chinese foray?

Tipping Point: OPLAN 5015 published

Well, the third book of the series is available in electronic and paperback versions.  I started the narration process for an Audible release, which should be ready toward the latter part of May.  The storyline for this series has run away from me again.  The original plan was for the tale to be concluded in three books.  Three books in and I’m nowhere near completing the story.  At this point, I don’t know exactly how many it will take to complete the series, but I’m thinking I can possibly finish in five.  However, I’ve said something similar in the past and I’ve been wrong nearly every time.  Once I begin immersing myself in the writing, ideas just keep coming.  However much I think I’m in charge of the story, I come to believe that the story is in charge of me.  I merely put down the words that flow through me, and when I come up for air, I notice that I’m not as far along as I’d planned.  But, I suppose that’s a good thing.  It keep the Ramen on the table.

A case in point is the next book.  I’m nearly three-quarters of the way through writing it and very few story days have passed.  There’s so much yet to tell and I’ll most likely be spending the rest of this year on the Tipping Point series.  Hanging over my head is still the Red Team story and I want to get back to A New World to continue that tale.  Crowding my limited brain space are more military thriller stories that I’d like to write.  But, to talk about those would be getting ahead of myself.  I’m not sure which direction I’ll take when I finish with this series.  More than likely, that will be determined when I sit down, ready to continue an old adventure or take up a new one.

I want to seriously thank you for the support you’ve given my writing over the years.  I’m still in awe that it has become what it has, and there’s no way I can thank you enough.  I hope 2022 is treating you well and stay safe.


Tipping Point: OPLAN 5015 Pre-order

Tipping Point: OPLAN 5015, the third book in the series, is now available for pre-order with a 25 April, 2022 download.  I’ll be starting the narration process this week and hope for an audiobook publication sometime toward the end of next month.  I’m a touch over halfway through the fourth book, and as it stands now, it appears that the series will extend to a fifth one.

Thank you so much for your support and I hope you enjoy this next chapter in the story. I also hope that your weekend treated you well!
