The 9th book in the Tipping Point series, Tipping Point: Breakout, is now available for pre-order. The drop date will be January 30. I really hope you enjoy this next continuation of the series. This one didn’t end the story. At least one more book will be necessary to complete the tale in the fictional world I’ve created.


World events have forced some changes in my original story. This was necessary as I don’t want the books to just merely be a recap of what’s happening in the real world. As I’ve mentioned before, I originally had a sequence with the Russian Federation and Ukraine and a conflict between the two. I’ve had to subsequently scrap that notion for obvious reasons. Then there’s the recent hostilities between Israel, Iran, and Iranian proxies. I’d also likely delete those from becoming a part of the series had I not already led up to that in previous books. So, I’ll do my best to make different than I had planned as events have overtaken what I wanted…sigh. Hopefully, I can write faster with this next one without waking up and reading news of what I had written the previous day. That’s happened a few times and it’s extremely frustrating. But I guess that’s what I get for writing a series that spans a couple of years.

I want to truly thank you for all of your support over the years. I really enjoy storytelling and feel blessed each and every day that I can continue doing that. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
