Hello and good morning everyone,
I finished the rough draft of the second book in the New World series on Friday. No, not the baseball game unless you count the games as an apocalyptic event. Which I am sure some do. I am currently a little over half of the way through the first pass edit. I tell you, this is the hard part and not the most exciting by any stretch. Rather boring at times to be honest. And after that will be the design of the cover art. I am hoping to have the book “A New World: Return’ published and available to the eBook world by the middle of September. I will be setting an exact date here shortly.
My mind is a little fried after the marathon of writing to finish it but I am rather pleased with the result. There were some twists I didn’t expect and one part I thought would be in this one that will have to be carried to the next as it didn’t quite fit in with the flow. As I said in earlier posts, I don’t think I am actually writing the book as much as I am a conduit through which the story flows.
I am excited to be finished and to be able to get it out. I hope those that read it will enjoy it as much as the first and as much as I enjoyed telling it. I am off to the never-ending editing – Oh Yay! I hope this day treats you well and it is an enjoyable one for you!